About Prima Vista Lounge Cagliari (CAG)
Longing to
visit the amazing Sardegna? Do not hesitate to visit Cagliari, the capital of
Sardegna. Inspired on this unique island, Cagliari Sogaer Airport created their
first VIP Lounge by creating a partnership with Prima Vista Lounges to offer
the passengers an exclusive and intimate space where to relax before their flight.
Prima Vista is committed to providing their customers with a high-quality
service; to provide unique experiences by offering different events throughout
the year. Guest passing through the Prima Vista Lounge can enjoy the amazing
Sardegna weather until the last minute before catching their flight, something
that many will be thankful for.
Where to find us?
Airside – after Security Check
First floor on the left
Opening hours
Monday to Sunday from 05:30hs to 21:00hs
What do we offer to passengers?
Who can access the lounge?
T. +3907021121250
E. cag.primavistalounges@aviapartner.aero
Air France
British Airways
ITA Airways
Lounge Key
Lounge Pass
Priority Pass
Siberia Airlines
Check the lounge access rules with your airline or loyalty membership card
Others: Pay per Access: 28€ Adult / 15€ Children / 55€ Family pack / 10€ Smoking pass
(Maximum stay 3 hours/day)